VIETTIEN: This post is for D01-K1 and D02-K1 @ FOFL, HUST only. 



  1. Can you briefly review the history of microprocessors? You are aware of the two chip manufacturing giants, Intel and AMD. What do you know about their latest microprocessors?
  2. Some types of computers are mentioned in your coursebook (but very briefly). Can you help laypersons distinguish one type from another (it is important you add up more information)?
  3. Can you talk about some common peripheral devices?
  4. What do you know about the history of the Windows operating systems?
  5. Can you talk about common high-level computer languages.
  6. Can you make a comparison of Microsoft Office and OpenOffice?
  7. Can you contrast application software with system software?
  8. Compare Email clients with Web-based Email clients.
  9. How can we distinguish the Web and the Internet?
  10. Your company is releasing a new chat and video conferencing program, and you are required to give a presentation on the impressive features of of this program (e.g., Skype)


(PDF versions: D01-K1 *** D02-K2)


  • You are “free” to give presentations on your given topics. However, you are basically required to give definitions, functions, features, etc., of the subject you are to mention.
  • Your presentation should last no less than 10 minutes and no more than 20 minutes.
  • Presentation and language skills are both observed and evaluated.
  • You may prepare your presentation slides using a Presentation application and save them to a USB drive (and an online storage!). You can then use visual aids in D4-409 to present your presentation slides (D02 may have to contact Ms Hai Anh for a room with visual aids).


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